So I hear Lexember is starting up again this year. I’ve had a few ideas kicking about in the back of my head about revitalising the Saadan languages, so this seems the perfect time to buckle down and hammer out some progress.

Also, I’m happy to announce that I have a blog! Finally! As you can probably tell because you’re here, reading it… ah, well. After trying and failing to get it set up with Metalsmith like my main site, I’ve gotten it running with Hugo instead. It’s been absolutely wonderful to work with so far, except for some hickups with the first theme I tried to use. The theme I’m using now is nofancy, with a tiny tweak to show my reddit username. I’ll probably make that a pull request up on the main repo sometime.

If you’ve got any questions or comments, be sure to drop me a message on reddit! I always enjoy receiving and replying to anything you all can throw at me.

Happy conlanging for now!