Table of Contents

Sentences for Testing Conlang Syntax

  1. The sun shines.
    soie zal.

    soi-e     zal
    shine-PRS sun

/ɕoie̞ ʑal/

  1. The sun is shining.
    es soie zal.

     es       soi-e     zal
     PRS_PROG shine-PRS sun

/eɕ ɕoie̞ ʑal/

  1. The sun shone.
    soio zal.

     soi-o     zal
     shine-PST sun

/ɕoio ʑal/

  1. The sun will shine.
    soia zal.

     soi-a     zal
     shine-FUT sun

/ɕoia ʑal/

  1. The sun has been shining.
    os soie zal.

     os       soi-e     zal
     PST_PROG shine-PRS sun

/oɕ ɕoie̞ ʑal/

  1. The sun is shining again.
    irrcem soie zal.

     irrcem soi-e     zal
     again  shine-PRS sun

/iʁt͡sɛm ɕoie̞ ʑal/

  1. The sun will shine tomorrow.
    yärr das soia zal.

     yärr das soi-a     zal
     next day shine-FUT sun

/yæʁ daɕ ɕoia ʑal/

  1. The sun shines brightly.
    soici soie zal.

     soi-ci        soi-e     zal
     be_bright-ADJ shine-PRS sun

/ɕoit͡ɕi ɕoie̞ ʑal/

  1. The bright sun shines.
    soie soici zal.

     soi-e     soici  zal
     shine-PRS bright sun

/ɕoie̞ ɕoit͡ɕi ʑal/

  1. The sun is rising now.
    ette ooce zal.

    ette ooc-e     zal
    now  bloom-PRS sun

/e̞tːɛ oːt͡ɕɛ ʑal/

  1. All the people shouted.
    pano bos yeman.

    pan-o     bos y<em>an
    shout-PST all person<pl>

/pano boɕ je̞man/

  1. Some of the people shouted.
    pano vari yeman.

    pan-o     bari y<em>an
    shout-PST some person<pl>

/pano bari je̞man/

  1. Many of the people shouted twice.
    irrca pano bavari yeman.

    irrca pan-o     bavari y<em>an
    twice shout-PST many   person<pl>

/iʁt͡sa pano bavˈari je̞man/

  1. Happy people often shout.
    tocem pano tum yeman.

    tocem pan-e      tom   y<em>an
    often shout-PRS happy person<pl>

/tot͡ɕɛm paɳe̞ tum je̞man/

  1. The kitten jumped up.
    hükkö nekomo de koyn.

    hükk-ö   neko-mo  de  koyn
    jump-PST cat-DIM  OBJ up

/xykːø ɳe̞komo dʲe̞ kojn/

  1. The kitten jumped onto the table.
    hükkö nekomo de an patta.

    hükk-ö   neko-mo  de  an   patta
    jump-PST cat-DIM  OBJ onto table

/xukːø ɳe̞komo dʲe̞ an patːa/

  1. My little kitten walked away.
    demoro haciv peci nekomo de bekon.

    demo-ro   haci-v    peci  neko-mo  de  bekon
    go  -PST  1[s]-POSS small cat-DIM  OBJ away

/dʲe̞mo xat͡ɕiv pʲe̞t͡ɕi ɳe̞komo dʲe̞ bʲe̞kon/

  1. It's raining.



  1. The rain came down.
    enterro sippen.

    enterr-o      sipp-en
    come_down-PST rain-NMZ

/e̞ntʲe̞ʁo ɕipːɛn/

  1. The kitten is playing in the rain.
    isae nikomo ne en sippen.

    isa-e     niko-mo  ne       en  sipp-en
    play-PRS cat-DIM  PASS;OBJ LOC rain-NMZ

/iɕae̞ nikomo ɳe̞ e̞n ɕipːɛn/

  1. The rain has stopped.
    srrino sippen.

    srrin-o   sipp-en
    cease-PST rain-NMZ

/ɕʁino ɕipːɛn/

  1. Soon the rain will stop.
    peca srrina sippen.

    peca srrin-a  sipp-en
    soon stop-FUT rain-NMZ

/pʲe̞t͡ɕa ɕʁina ɕipːɛn/

  1. I hope the rain stops soon.

    • anenie haci te peca srrinje sippen.

        ane-ni-e   haci te  peca srrin-je  sipp-en
        POT-do-PRS 1[s] REL soon stop-SUBR rain-NMZ

    /aɳe̞nie̞ xat͡ɕi tʲe̞ pʲe̞t͡ɕa ɕʁind͡ʑɛ ɕipːɛn/

    • anesrrine haci te sippen.

      ane-srrin-e  haci te  sipp-en
      POT-stop-PRS 1[s] REL rain-NMZ

    /aɳeɕʁiɳe̞ xat͡ɕi tʲe̞ ɕipːɛn/

  2. Once wild animals lived here.
    väcem losio hmäci hemanu ne akkon.

    väcem losi-o      hmäci h<em>anu   ne       haji
    once  inhabit-PST wild  animal<pl> PASS;OBJ here

/væt͡ɕɛm ˈlo.ɕio xmæt͡ɕi xɛmanu ɳe̞ xad͡ʑi/

  1. Slowly she looked around.
    roca veio acanq de ookon.

    roca   vei-o    acanq de  ookon
    slowly look-PST 3[s]  OBJ around

/ɾot͡ɕa ve͡io at͡ɕaŋ dʲe̞ oːkon/

  1. Go away!
    xodemoe de bekon!

    xo-demo-e  de  bekon
    IMP-go-PRS OBJ away

/χoˈdʲe̞moe̞ dʲe bʲe̞kon/

  1. Let's go!
    xodemoe hemaci!

    xo-demo-e  h<em>aci
    IMP-go-PRS 1<pl>
  2. You should go.
    anedemoe tama.

    ane-demo-e tama
    POT-go-PRS 2[s]

/aɳe̞ˈdʲe̞moe̞ tama/

  1. I will be happy to go.
    tona hademone de haci.

    ton-a          ha-demo-ne  de  haci
    make_happy-FUT INF-go-CIRC OBJ 1[s]

/tona xaˈdʲe̞moɳe̞ dʲe̞ xat͡ɕi/

  1. He will arrive soon.
    peca enooa acanq.

    peca enoo-a   acanq
    soon come-FUT 3[s]

/pʲe̞t͡ɕa e̞noːa at͡ɕaŋ/

  1. The baby's ball has rolled away.
    räno yoppomov rrann ne bekon.

    rän-o    yoppo-mo-v     rränn ne       bekon
    roll-PST child-DIM-POSS ball  PASS;OBJ away

/ɾæno yoˈpːomov ʁanː ɳe̞ bʲe̞kon/

  1. The two boys are working together.
    es aya peen irr yemoppo.

    es        aya      pe<e>n     irr y<em>oppo
    PRS_PROG together work<PRS> two child<pl>

/e̞ɕ aˈja peːn iʁ je̞mˈopːo/

  1. This mist will probably clear away.
    tüe wissa dyaan.

    tüe    wiss-a         dyaan
    likely clear_away-FUT mist

/tyɛ wiɕːa djaːn/

  1. Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
    plaes hara oovocin ne ayakon.

    pla<e>s    hara   o<ov>ocin  ne       ayakon
    grow<PRS> lovely flower<pl> PASS;OBJ everywhere

/plae̞ɕ xaɾa oːvot͡ɕin ɳe̞ ajakon/

  1. We should eat more slowly.
    no roca xozanqe hemaci.

    no   roca   xo-zanq-e   h<em>aci
    more slowly IMP-eat-PRS 1<pl>

/noɾot͡ɕa χoʑaŋe̞ xʲe̞mat͡ɕi/

  1. You have come too soon.
    xepeca enooe tama.

    xe-peca  enoo-e   tama
    too-soon come-PRS 2[s]

/χɛˈpʲe̞t͡ɕa e̞noːe̞ tama/

  1. You must write more neatly.
    xosrrite de no appaci.

    xo-srrit-e    de  no   appa-ci
    IMP-write-PRS OBJ more neat-ADJ 

/χoˈsʁitʲe̞ dʲe̞ no apːa.t͡ɕi/

  1. Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
    wen hahara derratakkoto ne taste.

    w<e>n   ha~hara       derrat-akkoto    ne       taste
    be<PRS> INT~beautiful govern -building PASS;OBJ opposing

/ɥe̞n xaxaɾa dʲe̞ˈʁatˌakːoto ɳe̞ taɕte̞/

  1. Henry's dog is lost.
    kune Henrriv cinu.

    kun-e       Henrri-v   cinu
    is_lost-PRS Henry-POSS dog

/kuɳe̞ xenʁiv t͡ɕinu/

  1. My cat is black.
    wen haciv neko ne porrom.

    w<e>n   haci-v    neko ne       porrom
    is<PRS> 1[s]-POSS cat  PASS;OBJ black

/ɥe̞n xat͡ɕiv ɳe̞ko ɳe̞ poʁom/

  1. The little girl's doll is broken.
    wen peci yoppov töyan ne prrodci

    w<e>n   peci  yoppo-v    töyän ne       prrod-ci
    be<PRS> small child-POSS doll  PASS;OBJ break-ADJ

/ɥe̞n pʲe̞t͡ɕi jopːov tøjæn ɳe̞ pʁodt͡ɕi/

  1. I usually sleep soundly.
    totoca dom ossie haci.

    to~toca   dom  ossi-e    haci
    INT~often well sleep-PRS 1[s]

/totot͡ɕa dom oɕːie̞ xat͡ɕi/

  1. The children ran after Jack.
    dedemoro yemoppo de Jäk.

    de~demo-ro   y<em>oppo de  Jäk
    INT~go  -PST child<pl> OBJ Jack

/dʲe̞ˈdʲe̞moɾo je̞mˈopːo dʲe̞ d͡ʑæk/

  1. I can play after school.
    anyaisala haci de beca miicikon.

    ane-isa-la   haci de  beca  miicikon
    POT-play-PRS 1[s] OBJ after school

/aɳe̞ˈiɕala hat͡ɕi dʲe̞ bʲe̞t͡ɕa miːt͡ɕikon/

  1. We went to the village for a visit.
    demoro hemaci de tüsmo de oxe häjisäne.

    demo-ro  h<em>aci de  tüs-mo   de  oxe hä-jisä-ne
    go-PST   1<pl>    OBJ town-DIM OBJ for INF-socialize-CIRC

/dʲe̞moɾo xʲe̞mat͡ɕi dʲe̞ tysmo dʲe̞ oχɛ hæd͡ʑiɕæɳe̞/

  1. We arrived at the river.
    enoro hemaci de dasia.

    eno-ro   h<em>aci de  dasya
    come-PST 1<pl>    OBJ river

/enoɾo xʲe̞mat͡ɕi dʲe̞ daɕja/

  1. I have been waiting for you.
    os ucae haci de tama.

    os       uca-e    haci de  tama
    PST_PROG wait-PRS 1[s] OBJ 2[s]

/oɕ ut͡ɕae̞ xat͡ɕi dʲe̞ tama/

  1. The campers sat around the fire.
    paddo pyahttayeman de exa pworr.

    padd-o pyahtta-y<em>an de exa pworr
    sit-PST field-person<pl> OBJ with fire

/padːo ˈpjaxtːaˌje̞man dʲe̞ e̞χa pwoʁ/

  1. A little girl with a kitten sat near me.
    paddo peci yoppo exa nekomo ne haci-v nun.

    padd-o   peci  yoppo exa  neko-mo  ne       haci-v     nun
    sit-PST  small child with cat-DIM  PASS;OBJ 1[s]-POSS proximity

/padːo pʲe̞t͡ɕi jopːo e̞χa ɳe̞komo ɳe̞ hat͡ɕiv nun/

  1. The child waited at the door for her father.
    utao yoppo de en noot de acov poori.

    uta-o    yoppo de  en  noot de  acov    poori
    wait-PST child OBJ LOC door OBJ 3s.POSS father

/uta͡o jopːo dʲe̞ e̞n noːt dʲe̞ at͡ɕov poːɾi/