Table of Contents

September 2015 Sketch


Labial Coronal Dorsal Glottal
Stop/Flap p pː t tː d~ɾ dː r k kː ɣ~g ɣː~gː
Affricate ts tʃ t̠ɕ̠~c̟ç̟
Nasal m mː n nː ŋ ŋː
Fricative f fː θ s sː ʃ ʃː ɕ̠~ç̟ ɕ̠ː~ç̟ː h p
Approximant w~ʋ l lː j i ɹ
Labial Coronal Dorsal Glottal
Stop/Flap p pp t tt d dd rr c cg g gg
Affricate ts tj tsh
Nasal m mm n nn nh/hn nhn
Fricative f ff th s ss j sj sh sjh h pp
Approximant w l ll y i r
Front Center Back
High~Mid i iː ɯ~u ɯː~uː
Mid~Low ɛ̝ ɛ̝ː ɐ̞ ɐ̞ː o̞ o̞ː
Front Center Back
High~Mid i ii u uu
Mid~Low e ee a aa o ou/oo

Syllable Structure

Syllable structure is a basic (C)(y,w)V(T), where:

Stress and Isochrony

Additional prosodic rules will be denoted later along with their relavent phenomena, but for the most part they're going to follow English for now, until I can come up with something better/different.

Basic Grammar and Syntax

The default word order is SOV; the language is usually head-final, with a large amount of suffixal case marking and derivation, generally in an aglutinative manner. In the case of possession and genetives, the head-final order is required, as the genetive case is a core case, and thus another core case cannot be added.

Verb classes

Class npst pst rel ger
1 -u -To -o -so
2 -u -Ta -a -so
3 -i -tto -i -iso
4 -∅ -Ta -Ta -aso

Grammar Testing Bed

Lam ta nou nei ni cinun seët e oppaa coma se iyetto.

lam {} ta {} no -o {} nei {} ni {} cin -un {} se -et {} e {} oh -ha -a {} com -a {} se {} i- ye -tto

man {} 2S[NOM] {} know -REL {} girl[NOM] {} she[NOM] {} book -ACC {} 3S.M -LAT {} 1S[NOM] {} see -REL -ADVR {} give -REL {} he[NOM] {} VEN- go -PST

lam {} ta {} noː {} {} nɛ̝ː {} ni {} kinun {} {} sɛ̝ːt {} {} ɛ̝ {} opːaː {} {} {} coma {} {} sɛ̝ {} ijɛ̝tːo {} {}

The man I saw the girl you know give the book to came.
The man You know the girl She the book to him I saw give He came

Ni soudso pei.

ni {} soud -so {} pe -e

sun[NOM] {} illuminate -GER {} be -NPST

ni {} soːdzo {} {} pɛ̝ː {}

The sun shines. (*gnomic*)

Ni soudu.

ni {} soud -u

sun[NOM] {} illuminate -NPST

ni {} soːɾu {}

The sun is shining.

Ni souddo.

ni {} soud -do

sun[NOM] {} illuminate -PST

ni {} sodːo {}

The sun shone.

Ni osoudu.

ni {} o- soud -u

sun[NOM] {} PERF.PROG- illuminate -NPST

ni {} osoːɾu {} {}

The sun has been shining.

Ni offushi soudu.

ni {} offu -shi {} soud -u

sun[NOM] {} new -GEN {} illuminate -NPST

ni {} ofːuʑ̠u {} {} soːɾu {}

The sun is shining again.

Ni moushi soudu.

ni {} mou -shi {} soud -u.

sun[NOM] {} morning -GEN {} illuminate -NPST

The sun will shine tomorrow.

Ni cyeu soudu.

ni {} cye -u {} soud -u

sun[NOM] {} bright -NPST {} illuminate -NPST

The sun shines brightly.

Cye ni soudu.

cye {} ni {} soud -u

bright[NOM] {} sun[NOM] {} illuminate -NPST

The bright sun shines.

Ni oporet mehnu iyei.

ni {} opor -et {} mehn -u {} i- ye -e

sun[NOM] {} horizon -LAT {} now -NPST {} VEN- go -NPST

The sun is rising now.

Anmi polla.

an -mi {} pol-la

person[NOM] -COLL {} shout -PST

All the people shouted.

Anmi tog polla.

an -mi {} tog {} pol -la

person[NOM] -COLL {} some[NOM] {} shout -PST

Some of the people shouted.

Anmi togme polla pitecga.

an -mi {} tog -me {} pol -la {} pi- tec -ca

person[NOM] -COLL {} some[NOM] -PL {} shout -PST {} two- TEMP -PST

Many of the people shouted twice.

Shwi anme polso motsocu pei.

shwi {} an -me {} pol- so {} motsoc -u {} pe -e

happy[NOM] {} person[NOM] -PL {} shout -GER {} often -NPST {} be -NPST

Happy people often shout.

Cathin ollo halla.

cath -in {} oll -o {} hal -la

cat[NOM] -DIM {} up -PST {} jump -PST

The kitten jumped up.

Cathin messollet halla.

cath -in {} mess -oll -et {} hal -la

cat[NOM] -DIM {} table -SUP -LAT {} jump -PST

The kitten jumped onto the table.

Haol micathin hinhna weiddo.

haol {} mi- cath -in {} hihn -nha {} weid -do

little[NOM] {} 1S- cat[NOM] -DIM {} away -PST {} walk -PST

My little kitten walked away.


haatar -u

rain -NPST

It's raining.

Gein jaarro.

gein {} jaar -ro

rain[NOM] {} come_down -PST

The rain came down.

Cathin geinac loudu.

cath -in {} gein -ac {} loud -u

cat[NOM] -DIM {} rain -SUB {} play -NPST

The kitten is playing in the rain.

Haatarra temmo.

haatar -ra {} tem -mo

rain -PST {} end -PST

The rain has stopped.

Cottecu haataru temu.

cot -tec -u {} haatar -u {} tem -u

short -TEMP -NPST {} rain -NPST {} end -NPST

Soon, the rain will stop.

E akattu cottecu haataru temu.

e {} akatt -u {} cot -tec -u {} haatar -u {} tem -u

1S[NOM] {} hope [NPST] {} short -TEMP -NPST {} rain -NPST {} end -NPST

I hope the rain stops soon.

Hattecga, yejeni aleime hoc saanna.

hat -tec -ca {} yejeni {} alei -me {} hoc {} saan -na

one -TEMP -PST {} wild[NOM] {} animal[NOM] -PL {} here {} live -PST

Once, wild animals lived here.

A hihnte!

a {} hihn -te

ADHORT {} away -IMP

Go away!

A no yete!

a {} no {} ye -te


Let's go!

Ta a yetsoute.

ta {} a {} ye -tsou -te

2S {} ADHORT {} go -SBJV -IMP

You should go.

Yenin eun cweinu maacu.

ye -nin {} e -un {} cwein -u {} maac -u

go[NOM] -SUPINE {} 1S -ACC {} please -NPST {} make -NPST

I will be happy to go.

Cottecu se iyeihn

cot -tec -u {} se {} i- ye -e -hn

short -TEMP -NPST {} 3S.M[NOM] {} VEN- go -NPST -PFV

He will arrive soon.

Peinin seranna hinhna roonna.

peinin {} se- ranna {} hihn -nha {} roon -na

baby[NOM] {} 3S- ball[NOM] {} away -PST {} roll -PST

The baby's ball has rolled away.

Pi yotne hatessi maacu

pi {} yot -me {} hat -essi {} maac -u

two[NOM] {} boy[NOM] -PL {} one -ESS {} work -NPST

The two boys are working together.

Se paffan ruudafstiu cyeu maacu.

se {} paffan {} ruudafsti -u {} cye -u {} maac -u

3S.PROX[NOM] {} mist[NOM] {} probable -NPST {} clear -NPST {} become -NPST

This mist will probably clear away.

Harra ootjim lainihn gyannu.

harra {} ootji -m {} lain -ihn {} gyann -u

beautiful[NOM] {} flower[NOM] -PL {} everywhere -ADE {} grow -NPST

Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.

Me essoun laahnetsou.

me {} es -so -un {} laahne -tsou

1PL[NOM] {} eat -GER -ACC {} slow -SBJV

We should eat more slowly.

Ta masper iyeihn

ta {} mas -per {} i- ye -e -hn

2S[NOM] {} early -too {} VEN- go -NPST -PFV

You have come too soon.

Ta cyoysoun gyaantsou.

ta {} cyoy -so -un {} gyaan -tsou

2S[NOM] {} write -GER -ACC {} tidy -SBJV

You must write more neatly.

Gyaanun wethasun harra palas tshaadu.

gyaan -un {} wethas -un {} harra {} palas {} tshaad -u

directly -ACC {} opposite -ACC {} lovely {} palace {} stand -NPST

Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.

Henni second

Henry's dog is lost.

My cat is black.