Table of Contents

Sentences for Testing Conlang Syntax - Naretsov Edition

  1. The sun shines.
    oso zal.

    o-so-∅ zal
    gno~light-prs sun
  2. The sun is shining.
    es so zal.

    es so-∅ zal
    prs.prog light-prs sun
  3. The sun shone.
    soyo zal.

    so-yo zal
    light-perf sun
  4. The sun will shine.
    soa zal.

    so-a zal
    shine-fut sun
  5. The sun has been shining.
    es soyo zal.

    es so-yo zal
    prs.prog light-perf sun
  6. The sun is shining again.
    es so zal irce.

    es so-∅ zal ir-ce-ci
    prs.prog light-prs sun two-temp
  7. The sun will shine tomorrow.
    dasyärce soa zal.

    das-yär-ce so-a zal
    day-post-temp light-fut sun
  8. The sun shines brightly.
    so zal sonluci.

    so-∅ zal so-n-lu-ci
    light-prs sun light-nmz-aug-advz
  9. The bright sun shines.
    so sonluci zal.

    so-∅ so-n-lu-ci zal
    light-prs light-nmz-aug-adjz sun
  10. The sun is rising now.
    ette ooce zal.

ette ooc-e zal
now bloom-prs sun
  1. All the people shouted.
    pano fyen yeman.
pan-o fyen y<em>an
shout-perf all <pl>person
  1. Some of the people shouted.
    pano yemanvó varin.
pan-o y<em>an-vó vari-n
shout-perf <pl>person-part some-nmz
  1. Many of the people shouted twice.
    pano yemanvó onen.
pan-o y<em>an-vó one-n
shout-perf <pl>person-part many-nmz
  1. Happy people often shout.
    onece apane tomci yeman.
onece a~pan-e tom-ci y<em>an
often gno~shout-prs happy-adjz <pl>person
  1. The kitten jumped up.
    hókko nekomo ne haapan.
hókk-o neko-mo de haap-an
jump-perf cat-dim obj up-all
  1. The kitten jumped onto the table.
    hókko nekomo de pattayan.
hókk-o neko-mo de patta-yan
jump-perf cat-dim obj table-all
  1. My little kitten walked away.
    demoyo cipo moci nekomo de annan.
demo-yo ci-po mo-ci neko-mo de an-n-an
walk-perf 1*s.fam-poss* dim-adjz cat-dim obj all-nmz-all
  1. It's raining.
    (es) syawe.
es syaw-e
prs.prog rain-prs
  1. The rain came down.
    ondemo syawn de naran.
ondem-o syaw-n de nar-an
come-perf rain-nmz obj down-all
  1. The kitten is playing in the rain.
    (es) isa nekomo de syawnen.
es isa neko-mo de syaw-n-en
prs.prog play[prs] cat-dim obj rain-nmz-loc
  1. The rain has stopped.
sórin-ó syaw-o
cease-cont rain-perf
  1. Soon the rain will stop.
    moce sórinósyawo.
mo-ce sórin-ó syaw-o
dim-temp cease-cont rain-perf
  1. I hope the rain stops soon.
    emme ci de moce sórinósyawzo.
emm-e ci de mo-ce sórin-ó syaw-z-o.
hope-prs 1*s* obj dim-temp cease-cont rain-perf
  1. Once wild animals lived here.
    vace losiyo gajji hemanu de hajien.
va-ce losi-yo gaj-ci h<em>anu de haji-en
one-temp inhabit-perf wild-adjz <pl>animal obj here-loc
  1. Slowly she looked around.
    lonce veiyo óji de tookan.
lom-ce vei-yo óji de took-an
long-temp look-perf 3*s* obj surroundings-all
  1. Go away!
    kademo annan!
ka-demo an-n-an
imp-go[prs] all-nmz-all
  1. Let's go!
    kademo (emoji)!
ka-demo emoji
imp-go[prs] 1*pl.pol*
  1. You should go.
    demota atiri.
demo=ta atiri
go*[prs]=sbjv* 2*s.form*
  1. I will be happy to go.
    tomóya oji de demonóen.
tom-ó-ya haci de demo-nó-en
happy-cont-fut 1*s.form* obj go-inf-loc
  1. He will arrive soon.
    moce ondemoyala óji.
mo-ce ondemo-yala óji
dim-temp come-fut.perf 3*s*
  1. The baby's ball has rolled away.
    raano yoppompo mari de annan.
raan-o yoppo-mpo mari de an-n-an
roll-perf child-dim.gen ball obj all-nmz-all
  1. The two boys are working together.
    (es) vayaa peyne ir yemoppo.
es va-yaa peyn-e ir y<em>oppo
prs.prog one-ess work-prs two <pl>child
  1. This mist will probably clear away.
    twe wassa haji taan.
twe wass-a haji taan
likely disperse-fut this mist
  1. Lovely flowers are growing everywhere.
    es prase hara emoocin de fyen kemoen
es pras-e hara <em>oocin de fyen k<em>o-en
prs.prog grow-prs lovely <pl>flower obj all <pl>place-loc
  1. We should eat more slowly.
    lonceni maneta emoji.
lon-ce-ri man-e-ta emoji
long-temp-supl eat-prs 1*pl.pol*
  1. You have come too soon.
    moceri ondemoyo atiri.
mo-ce-ni ondemo-yo atiri
dim-temp-comp come-perf 2*s.form*
  1. You must write more neatly.
    jinni kasorita tama.
jin-ni ka-sori-ta tama
neat-comp imp-write*[prs]-sbjv* 2*s.pol*
  1. Directly opposite stands a wonderful palace.
    mehci taste meh hara deratpo akkoto ne.
meh-ci tast-e meh hara derat-po akkoto ne
true-advz oppose-prs int beautiful govern-poss building pass
  1. Henry's dog is lost.
    kune Henrepo inu ne.
kun-e Henre-po inu ne
lose-prs Henry-poss dog pass
  1. My cat is black.
    promwo cipo neko.
prom-wo ci-po neko
black-cop.prs 1s-poss cat
  1. The little girl's doll is broken.
    wo moci yoppopo tóyn de prodzo.
wo mo-ci yoppo-po tóyn de prod-z-o
cop.prs dim-adjz child-poss doll obj break-ptcp-pst
  1. I usually sleep soundly.
    nicci dom ossi haci.
nicci dom ossi haci
normally well sleep[prs] 1*s.form*
  1. The children ran after Jack.
    meh demoyo yemoppo de Jäkyäran.
meh demo-yo y<em>oppo de Jäk-yär-an
int go-perf <pl>child obj Jack-post-all
  1. I can play after school.
    anóisa melle de mikonyärce.
an-ó isa melle de mi-kon-yär-ce
able-cont play[prs] 1*s.casual* obj learn-place-post-temp
  1. We went to the village for a visit.
    demoyo emoji de tusmoan de ojjisanó.
demo-yo emoji de tus-mo-an de ojjisa-nó
go-perf 1pl.pol obj town-dim-all obj socialize-inf
  1. We arrived at the river.
    ondemoyo emoji de täsiäan.
ondemo-yo emoji de täsiä-an
arrive-perf 1pl.pol obj river-all
  1. I have been waiting for you.
    os tene haci de tama.
os ten-e haci de tama
pst.perf wait-prs 1s.form obj 2s.form
  1. The campers sat around the fire.
    pado pemahtóyan de porpo tooken.
pad-o p<em>aht-ó-yan de por-po took-en
sit-perf <pl>expedition-cont-agt.nmz obj fire-poss surroundings-loc
  1. A little girl with a kitten sat near me.
    pado nekomohe moci yoppo de cipo sonen.
pad-o neko-mo-he mo-ci yoppo de ci-po son-en
sit-perf cat-dim-com dim-adjz child obj 1s-poss coast-loc
  1. The child waited at the door for her father.
    teno yoppo de ójipo too de nooten.
ten-o yoppo de óji-po too de noot-en
wait-perf child obj 3s-poss father obj door-loc
  1. Yesterday the oldest girl in the village lost her kitten.
    daszilce kuno tusmoen läori yoppo de ójipo nekomo.
das-zil-ce kun-o tus-mo-en läo-ri yoppo de óji-po neko-mo
day-pre-temp lose-perf town-dim-loc old-supl child obj 3s-poss cat-dim
  1. Were you born in this village?
    Cu miäno tama de tusmoen?
cu miän-o tama de tus-mo-en
q born-perf 2*s.pol* obj town-dim-loc
  1. Can your brother dance well?
    Cu dom anóatore tampo mei?
cu dom an-ó ator-e tam-po mäi
q well able-cont dance-prs 2*s.pol-poss* sibling
  1. Did the man leave?
    Cu andemoyo yan?
cu andemo-yo yan
q leave-perf person
  1. Is your sister coming for you?
    Es cu onkanerä kolopo mäi (de kolo)?
es cu onkan-e=rä kolo-po mäi de kolo
prs.prog q coming_to_fetch-prs=2ben 2s.fam-poss sibling obj 2s.fam
  1. Can you come tomorrow?
    cu dasyärce anóondemoa kolo?
cu das-yär-ce an-ó ondemo-a kolo
q day-post-temp able-cont come-fut 2s.fam
  1. Have the neighbors gone away for the winter?
    cu andemoro soonen yeman de fowoce?
cu andemo-ro soon-en y<em>an de fowo-ce
q leave-pst.perf adjacent-loc <pl>person obj winter-temp
  1. Does the robin sing in the rain?
    cu adaa robin de syawnen.
cu a~daa robin de syaw-n-en
q gno~sing[prs] robin obj rain-nmz-loc
  1. Are you going with us to the concert?
    cu demo tama de emojihe de dayonmoan?
cu demo tama de emoji-he de dayon-mo-an
q go[prs] 2s.pol obj 1pl.pol-com obj festival-dim-all
  1. Have you ever travelled in the jungle?
    Cu to endemo tama de kuuóbanen?
cu to endemo tama de kuu-ó ban-en
q ever travel[prs] 2s.pol obj wet-cont forest-loc
  1. e sailed down the river for several miles.
    Sano emoji de gayata de vari pof ne.
san-o emoji de gaya-ta de vari p<em>of ne
sail-perf 1pl.pol obj river-down obj few <pl>mile pass
  1. Everybody knows about hunting.
    Ni fyen de cosnóon.
ni fyen de cos-nó-on
know[prs] all obj hunt-inf-abl
  1. On a sunny morning after the solstice we started for the mountains.
    londasyär zalvó dasmoce koesóandemo (emoji) de kemoylunan.
lon-das-yär zal-vó dasmo-ce koes-ó andemo emoji de k<em>oylun-an
long-day-post sun-part morning-temp begin-cont leave[prs] 1pl.pol obj <pl>mountain-all
  1. Tom laughed at the monkey's tricks.
    taho tom de monkipo hawzyo.
tah-o tom de monki-po hawzyo
laugh-perf Tom obj Monkey-poss antics
  1. An old man with a walking stick stood beside the fence.
    Ondo pattónhe läo yan de sagen.
ond-o pattón-he läo yan de sag-en
stand-perf walking_stick-com old person obj fence-loc
  1. The squirrel's nest was hidden by drooping boughs.
    goso skwirap jan ne loccyo emeta.
gos-o skwira-p jan ne loccyo <em>eta
hide-perf squirrel-poss.casual nest pass slouch <pl>branch
  1. The little seeds waited patiently under the snow for the warm spring sun.
    teno moci jemindo de pwarn medce zal de hasonpo gemen.
ten-o mo-ci j<em>indo de pwarn med-ce zal de haso-n-po gem-en
wait-perf dim-adjz <pl>seed obj warm green-temp sun obj snow-nmz-poss underside-loc
  1. Many little girls with wreaths of flowers on their heads danced around the bonfire.
    one moci yemoppo, cemonen oocinvó nemazhe, d'atoro de mehporpo tooken.
one mo-ci y<em>oppo c<em>on-en oocin-vó n<em>az-he d=ator-o de meh-por-po took-en
many dim-adjz <pl>child <pl>head-loc flower-part <pl>ring-com obj=dance-perf obj int-fire-poss surroundings-loc